Web Forum Reader 2.0 is the latest released version by ChemTable Software. It is delivered on a shareware basis and there is a trial version available for downloading directly from the developer's website. If we are active Internet forums and conferences readers, and we are short of time and/or space in our computer, then we may consider having this utility. After entering the Internet forums we would like to follow, Web Forum Reader can read those forums for us and presents only the new and changed topics without using a browser. The Main Window is divided in three parts, plus a toolbar and an icon bar. We can add a resource using the Resource Addition Wizard, introducing the URL link, and selecting free access or authentication by entering a login and a password. Once we have our resources directory tree on the left, we can choose one, go to the middle window and select to display new and changed topics only, last 50, 100 or all downloaded topics. By selecting a topic, it starts downloading of the right window. After the loading is completed, we can go to the previous or next unread topic, go to the starting position of the selected topic, mark/unmark a selected topic as favorite, and open the topic in a browser. It is possible to schedule periodical synchronization of the selected resource, notifying us about any change made to it. We can search, and add a similar resource. It runs under Windows 98, ME, 2000, 2003, NT, and XP operating systems.